Why We Changed Our Logo

Our first logo vs. our new logo

“The puzzle piece has become linked to perceptions that autistic individuals are ‘incomplete’ or need ‘fixing’, perpetuating harmful stereotypes. These associations contradict the inclusive, supportive culture I strive to cultivate. Once I learned of its ableist connotations, changing our logo became a priority. I want to ensure that every aspect of our practice embodies respect and safety for all.” - Sara Campbell, owner, The Counseling Affect

Why We Changed Our Logo

The Counseling Affect’s logo 2019 - 2023

In September 2019, when I opened The Counseling Affect, my passion was (and still is!) working with the Autistic community and those with developmental disabilities. At the time, I saw the puzzle piece not only as a symbol for autism, but I envisioned it reflecting how counseling helps people “put the pieces back together.” For me, it represented support for all individuals, not just those navigating neurodivergence. This inspired me to create a logo of puzzle pieces that formed a heart.

Regrettably, at that time I was unaware of the growing concerns within the autism community about the puzzle piece’s negative implications.

The Puzzle Piece: A Brief History

Introduced as a symbol for autism in 1963, the puzzle piece originally carried the tagline, "We Have Found the Missing Piece," emphasizing deficits rather than acceptance. Over time, it became widely adopted but also increasingly controversial. The potential impact of the stigmatism around the puzzle piece on those seeking services with us went against the inclusive, safe culture we've worked so hard to create. Many in the autism community now reject the puzzle piece completely, favoring symbols like the infinity loop that highlight neurodiversity, growth, and acceptance. While I love the infinity loop and all it represents, and I do incorporate it when appropriate, it wasn’t a complete representation of our wide-ranging client’s counseling needs to serve as a component in our new logo. I do love what we landed on though!

The Infinity Loop for Neurodiversity

Is it a tree? Is it a brian?

Introducing Our New Logo

At first glance, what do you see? Is it a tree or a brain? To me, it’s both—a symbol of growth, interconnectedness, and the power of the mind. It’s a constant reminder that just as each tree is unique and beautiful, so is each mind. This new logo reflects our commitment to fostering a space where everyone feels valued and supported, a space where differences are celebrated.

The Counseling Affect’s new logo, copyright 2024


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